Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Treasury, Petra

This building, known as The Treasury is one of a
series of buildings built by the Nabateans who
followed a pagan religion and were closely linked
to the people of Thamud. They were renowned for
their elaborate skill of carving into rocks.
The Nabateans were a Semitic people, Arabs of
southern Jordan, Canaan and the northern part
of Arabia,
Petra lies on the slope of Mount Hor and close
to the town of Wadi Musa (the valley of
Moses). Harun (upon him be peace), the
brother of Musa (upon him be peace) is buried
close by, as is Miriam, their sister.
The Nabateans worshipped the Arab gods and
goddesses of the pre-Islamic times as well as
few of their deified kings. Many statues carved
in the rock depict these gods and goddesses.
Three of the idols worshipped by the
disbelievers at the time of the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be on him), Lat, Uzza
and Manat have their origins with the
Nabateans. They used to believe that they
were the daughters of Allah.
One of the first things that can be seen around
the entrance to Petra are three huge blocks,
standing 6 to 8 metres high. Tradition holds
that they contained ‘jinn’, placed there to
guard the city.
References: Wikipedia

Source : Wikipedia

Interiors of Al Khazneh, Source :

Top of a pillar with a pine cone as a symbol of
fertility. Al Khazneh, a.k.a. The Treasury
Source :

Detail from the façade of Al Khazneh, a.k.a. The
Source :

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