Monday, December 1, 2014

Resting place of the Ark of Prophet Nuh (upon him be peace)

Mount Judi is the resting place of the Ark built
by Nuh (upon him be peace) by the command of
Allah. It is situated in south-east Turkey, close
to the Syrian and Iraqi borders. The Quranic
account of the Flood and Noah’s Ark agrees with
that given in the Bible, with a few variations. One
of these concerns the final resting place of the
Ark. According to Genesis, the Ark grounded on
the “mountains of Ararat”; while according to
Surah 11:44 of the Qur’an, the final resting place
of the vessel was called Mount Judi:
“Then the word went forth: “O earth! Swallow up
thy water, and O sky! Withhold (thy rain)!” and
the water abated, and the matter was ended. The
Ark rested on Mount Judi, and the word went
forth: “Away with those who do wrong!” [11:44]
The picture above is believed to be the current
remains of the Ark on the mountain.
References: Wikipedia

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