Monday, January 25, 2016

“The Daiyooth will not enter Jannah.”

Who is a Dayooth?
In an authentic narration, the Prophet Muhammad
sallaAllahu alaihi wa sallam said
“The Daiyooth will not enter Jannah.”
Daiyooth is the man who doesn’t have jealousy on
his Maharaim (his mother, sister,   …).
Abdullaah ibn ‘Umar(radhi`Allaahu anhu ) reported
that the Prophet (salAllaahu alayhi wa sallam)
“Three people will not enter paradise, and Allaah
will not look to them on the Day of Judgement: the
one who is disobedient to his parents, the woman
who imitates men and the ad-Dayooth.”
[Musnad Ahmad (2/134) No. 6180, Musnad al-
Bazzar (12/270) No. 6051, al-Sunnan al-Kubra al-
Nasa'i (2/63) No. 2354, al-Mu’jam al-Awsat al-
Tabarani (3/51) No. 2443]
-the dayooth is a man who doesn't care if his
family becomes corrupted
-he allows his wife and daughters to leave the
home without hijab
Ad-Dayooth is the man who permits women for
whom he is responsible (eg: mother, wife, sister
etc.) to engage in illicit relations, or to display
their beauty to strange men, thereby stimulating
their sexual desires.
He is the man who would SHOW OFF his wife (or
any of his mahram female), her beauty and her
style in front of men.
He is the one who doesn’t protect her from the
eager eyes of strangers (non Mahram).
He is the one who accepts that his wife go out with
him wearing perfume, putting make up and wearing
attractive clothes as if she is an item for sale to
He is the man who is pleased by the admiring
glances from stranger men toward his wife.
He would let his sister/his daughter go out with
tight clothes, without her Hijab.
He is the man who knows that his sister/his
daughter has a boyfriend but he doesn’t care.
He never has Jealousy on her and would let her
show her charm to any one...

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