Monday, August 29, 2016

The Life of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) , Part 26

The Lesson Of Pride At The Valley Of Hunayn

Islam flourished in Mecca and the Muslims became stronger and
stronger. But south of Mecca lived a tribe of warriors called Hawazin,
who had not become Muslim. They made an agreement with another tribe
from Ta'if, called Thaqif to fight the Muslims and destroy them before
they could spread their religion throughout Arabia. The Thaqif, who were
known for their courage, soon won the support of other tribes living
around the Ta'if area, especially when such tribes were told: „Look what
has happened! If Quraysh, the largest tribe of all, have fallen to
Muhammad, it is only a matter of time before the same will happen to the
rest of us. We should strike now before the Muslims are established in
Mecca and have the support of Quraysh.' The Chief of one of these tribes,
a fearless warrior called Malik Ibn „Awf, was chosen as the leader. He
put forward a plan: 'You should all go out to battle accompanied by your
families, your tents, your sheep and goats, for with all your belongings at
stake, none of you will dare give up the fight.'
Everyone agreed with Malik except an old, blind man called Dorayd.
He had been a great warrior in his day and because of his experience and
valuable advice still accompanied the men into battle. 'I don't like Malik's
plan', he insisted. 'If a man is so cowardly as to leave a battle, then he will
leave his family as well. The women and children will be a great worry to
us and if we are defeated all our wealth will fall into enemy hands.' But
Malik ignored this advice and stuck to his original plan. When the
Prophet (pbuh) heard what the enemy tribes were planning, he found
himself forced to fight and ordered his army towards Ta‟if. He had twelve
thousand men and the enemy only four thousand. The Muslims were
proud of their strength and as they looked around at their number, said to
themselves, 'We will never be defeated!' On hearing this the Prophet
(pbuh) knew that the Muslims had become too proud and because of this
would not succeed.
He warned them, 'Look to Allah and not to your own strength.‟
The time for battle came. The Muslim army advanced along the
Hunayn path, a narrow way in the rugged mountains, towards the valley
where the Hawazin and the other tribes were waiting. It was very early
morning and not yet light. The Muslims were unaware that, under cover
of darkness, the Hawazin warriors had already climbed up the mountain
and were waiting for them. As soon as all the Muslims were trapped in
the narrow passage-way below, the Hawazin ambushed them. First they
threw rocks down upon them and then attacked with arrows and swords.
In surprise and fear, the Muslims started to retreat. The Prophet
(pbuh) was bitterly disappointed to see them fleeing in terror but he
stayed firmly in his place with Abu Bakr, 'Ali, his uncle al-„Abbas, and a
few companions at his side. Al-'Abbas then called to the Muslims to
return and not to abandon the Prophet (pbuh). Ashamed at what they had
done, and seeing the Prophet (pbuh) facing the enemy almost alone, the
Muslims quickly returned to fight. Then Allah sent His angels-the hosts
ye cannot see-to their aid. A fierce battle followed. The Muslim warriors
advanced, attacking furiously, driving the Hawazin back from the path
into the valley, where the fighting went on long and hard. At the end of
the day the Muslims won but not before having learned a hard lesson
about the danger of pride.
Just as the old man had predicted, the defeated enemy fled, leaving
their families and possessions to be captured. Later all the leaders of the
tribes except one came to ask for them back and to declare their
acceptance of Islam. The Prophet (pbuh) forgave them and returned their
families to them, but not their belongings. The one exception was the
leader of Hawazin. He fled to Ta'if, where he sought protection in the
castle, but the Muslims pursued him and surrounded the city, which they
besieged for about three weeks.
They tried to break into the castle but after losing many men in the
attempt the Prophet (pbuh) ordered a withdrawal. The story did not end
there, however, for shortly afterwards Hawazin and most of the other
tribes came to Mecca and declared themselves Muslim, including Malik
Ibn Awf, who had led them in battle and whom the Prophet (pbuh) now
made their leader.
After the battle of the Hunayn Valley, the Prophet (pbuh) distributed
what goods had been taken between the people of Quraysh and the other
Bedouin tribes. The Ansar from Medinah, who had been his only support
during the long hard years before the conquest of Mecca, received
nothing. They felt angry about this and went to the Prophet (pbuh) to
complain. He said to them, what is this I hear of you? Do you think badly
of me? Did I not come to you when you did not know the truth and Allah
guided you; when you were poor and Allah made you rich; when you
were enemies and Allah softened your hearts? Are you covetous for the
things of this world that I must use to gain people's trust so that I can then
lead them to Islam? Surely for you Islam is enough? Are you not satisfied
that while some men take away flocks and herds you take Allah's
Messenger back with you to Medinah?' On hearing this, all the men felt
very contrite and began to weep then with great humility and reverence
their spokesman said: 'We are indeed well pleased to have Allah's
Messenger as our gift in this life.‟ Perhaps we could ask ourselves the
same question. Are we not blessed to have the Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and the Book, guiding us in what really matters for ever and ever?
Is this not so much more important than thinking about the momentary
pleasures of the day?
Shortly after this the Ansar left for Medinah accompanied by the
Prophet (pbuh). He could have stayed among his own people and lived
out his days in Mecca, but he returned as he had promised, to live among
the people of Medinah, which was a great blessing for them.
“Allah gave you victory on many fields and on the day of Hunayn,
when you exulted in your great numbers it was of no help to you, and the
earth, vast as it is, was straitened for you; then you turned back in flight;
Then Allah sent His peace of reassurance down upon is Messenger and
upon the believers, and sent down hosts you could not see, and punished
those who did not believe. Such is the reward of disbelievers. Then
afterwards Allah will relent toward whom He will; for Allah is Forgiving,
Merciful”. (Qur'an 9.25-27)

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