Friday, March 27, 2015


RasulAllah ( SalAllahu Alayhi WaSalam ) said:

"ALLAH ( Subhana Wa Ta'la ), will continue to stretch out His Hand in the night so that the sinners of the day may repent.

And continue to stretch His Hand in the daytime so that the sinners of the night may repent, until the sun rises from the west."
(Sahih Muslim, Book #037, Hadith #6644)

You could never bear the wrath of ALLAH ( Subhana Wa Ta'la ) each time you sin.
So Repent in the morning and the evening.
-Abdullah ibn Habib

A person is not ready for death if he still thinks he will live tomorrow.
-Sufyan At-Thawri

Fudayl ibn Ayadh used to tell the Mujahideen
"Hold firm to Taubah for it will protect you from that which your swords will not protect you."

Mutarrif bin Abdullah lost his son. He came out in a happy mood and said:
"I feel ashamed of ALLAH to be shaken by a disaster...
... I controlled the tears in my eyes and stopped them pouring forth, so my eyes are shedding tears in my heart. "

Amr bin Bukayr said:
"I exercised patience and in the end it was good. Why should I show anguish when it is not going to help me?
[Journey towards ALLAH]

Death is the only escape.
So patiently await.
Sabr is the courage of the soul.

♡ [Poem that made Imam Ahmad cry]♡

O restless soul, whose heart is overcome by sadness, remember this:

"Is not the morning near? " [Surah Hud 11:81]

If my Lord asks me, "Have you [any] shyness in disobeying me?

You conceal your sins from my creation - and with sins you come to me. "

So how will I answer? O woe to me - and who shall protect me?

Then how will I answer - after I have neglected my religion.

Woe to me! Did I not hear the Speech of ALLAH inviting me?

O my soul,
Pass quickly on through this world and leave it, for indeed life lies ahead of it.
- Imam Ash-Shafi'ee

"And hasten to forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden as wide as the Heavens and Earth, prepared for the righteous. "
[ Surah Ali Imran 3:133]

"And you shall not find any refuge besides Him. "
[ Surah Al Kahf 18:27]

"Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You've guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. "
[Surah Ali Imran 3:8]

Ya ALLAH, do not leave us to our own souls, nor the thoughts of our minds.
Surely, only You can save us from our ownself.

Ya ALLAH, let us reach the Month of Ramadan.

Ya ALLAH, do not attach my heart to what is not mine.

Ya ALLAH, how will I answer to You when I know I failed You?

O ALLAH, we take refuge in You from depending upon anyone but You; and from putting our full trust in anyone but You.

O ALLAH, do not attach our heart to that which will betray us.

O ALLAH, in Your name we die and we live.

Ameen Allahumma Ameen. —

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